Help! I’m Scared of Going to the Gym!
We’ve all been there. We want to change our lives around, start exercising and get that lean, healthy body we’ve always wanted but there’s a major obstacle in the way – We’re scared of going to the gym.
I’ve been there before. Taking that first step into the gym can feel like the hardest part of the journey.
“What if everyone judges me?”
“I don’t know what to do.”
“What if I look stupid?”
“How do you even turn on the treadmill in the first place?”
Before you even start your mind is racing with a million and one reasons stopping you from stepping through the front door. I understand the feeling all too well.
You don’t want to get judged, you don’t want to make mistakes, and you don’t want to feel embarrassed. It’s perfectly natural to feel this way.
The journey of a thousand miles begins with just a single step. I’m here to help you make that step. Here’s everything you need to know if you’re too scared to go to the gym.
Gym Anxiety – Why You’re Scared to Go to the Gym?
Gym anxiety is the term we use to refer to the way you’re feeling right now. All of your thoughts can be overwhelming if you’re scared of going to the gym and working out in front of other people.
However, just like anxiety, you might be overthinking a lot of things and that may be causing you to develop this gym phobia.

I’ve had this feeling before. It’s only after going to the gym a couple of times the feeling subsides because I realize that I’ve been making things a much bigger deal than they really are.
So in order to target your gym anxiety we need to understand the reasons why you’re scared of going to the gym, and why you shouldn’t be scared in the first place. Only then can we work on how to overcome those fears and get you to take your first step inside the gym, and maybe a couple more.
Reason 1 – You’re Scared of Judgement at the Gym
The gym is full of people and wandering eyes, so it can be very difficult to go to the gym when all you can think of is what other people will think of you when you’re there.
“Will they judge my body?”
“Will they make fun of me for using the machines wrong?”
All the while your thoughts are racing with everything negative that people have to say about you and it’s the furthest thing from the truth. You’re the last thing on those ripped guys’ and instagram fitness models’ mind.
Half of the time they’ll be focused on their own workouts. The other half of the time they’ll be thinking about the next set or exercise they’re going to do.
And the times their minds are free they’ll be too busy thinking about their own insecurities to think about you. What if their abs aren’t shredded enough?

It’s important to realize that everyone is in the gym chasing after the same goal you’re chasing after. That is, to be fitter and healthier. Some of them will be fitter than you and you’ll even be fitter than some of them.
The gym is home to a diverse group of people, all with the same mindset, and they’ll be more likely to commend you for starting than judge you in their mind.
Everyone going to the gym once started somewhere. They all had the same fears you’re having right now, to get them where they are today. You can get there too as long as you take your first step in there, so don’t be scared.
Reason 2 – You’re Insecure about your Body
Maybe you’re carrying a bit of extra weight. Maybe you’re a bit too skinny. Whatever is your reason that you’re insecure about your body should never be a reason to keep you out of the gym. It should be a reason to get you to go to the gym.
The gym is the place to go if you’re looking to lose a bit of weight or put on some extra muscle. In the process, you’ll get a ton of confidence you never knew you had. In fact, if you’re insecure about your body the gym is the perfect place to go.

Everyone in the gym is insecure about something about their body. For one person, it might be their midsection. For another person, they might think that their biceps are too small.
However, they are all going to the gym and putting in the work to change their body so that they won’t have these insecurities anymore, and this is something you can do too.
Everyone there shares the same goal and will support you every step of the way, so don’t be scared of going to the gym.
Reason 3 – You Don’t Know What to Do at the Gym
I remember the first time I overcame my gym phobia and went to the gym. There were tons of machines in the weightlifting section and I had no idea how to use any of them and what they were for. In fact, to this day I’m still confused by some of those machines.
It was intimidating so I went straight to the cardio section. Somehow I managed to figure out how to put on the treadmill. That was half of the battle. I had to figure out how to stay on it now. I almost fell off a couple times.
If the machines intimidate you, check out my Home Workout Guide to get in shape with just your bodyweight.

The gym, like many things for the first time, can be quite intimidating. You won’t be an expert the moment you step foot in the door. No, you’ll be something that you’re probably uncomfortable being, and that is a beginner.
Don’t Be Embarrassed to be a Beginner!
There’s no need to be embarrassed of being a beginner. You just need to accept that you probably won’t get things right the first time, or even the second time. There’s a learning curve involved, and over time you’ll get the hang of it.
It’s like the first time you tried riding a bike. You didn’t know what you were doing. I’m sure you were scared. You even fell a couple times and looked stupid. But did that stop you? No, you got back up and learned to ride a bike.
Going to the gym is the same. You’ll make mistakes, but that’s ok. No one is judging you.

On the plus side, you don’t have to go to the gym scared and fend for yourself. There are lots of personal trainers there who are familiar with the equipment there and exercises you can perform and are eager to help you out.
Any regular gym goer will also be happy to assist you as long as you ask them with as smile.
You also don’t have to go in blind. You can do your research online on gym equipment and exercises so that you familiarize yourself and know what to expect.
Don’t be scared of going to the gym because you’re a beginner. You have to start somewhere.
Check out ‘The Beginner’s Guide to Fat Loss‘ to learn everything you need to know to lose weight.
Reason 4 – You’re Scared to Ask for Help at the Gym
You’ll need help in the gym from time to time. It’s a given fact. As a beginner, you’ll need someone to guide you through all of the exercises and make sure you’re using proper form.
Even as a more advanced trainee you’ll still find yourself needing someone to spot you or coach you through exercises sometimes.
However, there isn’t any reason to be scared to ask anyone for assistance in the gym. Even if we exclude personal trainers, because it’s their job to help you out, there’s no shortage of friendly people in the gym that will be sure to give you a hand.

If you need a spot, it’s easy to ask someone and they wouldn’t mind. You don’t know what a machine does? Just ask. You’re sure to find the answer, or at least strike up a friendly conversation that can make your time at the gym less scary.
Everyone going to the gym all have the same goals as you, so they’ll understand your situation and be more than happy to help you out. Don’t be scared to ask for help in the gym.
Reason 5 – You’re Scared of Working Out
I get it. Exercise can be difficult, and even painful if you’re not accustomed to it. The worst part is that after all of that strenuous activity you’ll be left feeling sore for a few days. Maybe you’re allergic to exercise, but that doesn’t have to be the case.
You don’t need to rush into the gym and run marathons or benchpress one thousand pounds. No one is asking you to do that. You don’t need to jump into the most hardcore bootcamp training programs there is out there.
That will cause you a lot of pain, and you’ll hate every minute of it. You’ll also learn to hate the gym much more. Then you’ll get sore for a few days and because of how horrible you felt you won’t bother to go back to the gym. I know, because this has happened to me.

It doesn’t have to be like this. It’s important to take it easy and start slow when you’re now starting the gym. Use light weights, do some stretches and some walking. Get your muscles accustomed to exercise and slowly ease into the more challenging workouts.
That way you’ll avoid all of the pain you’ve been dreading and be more likely to learn to enjoy going to the gym.
Reason 6 – You’re Scared of Getting Injured
I’m sure that you’ve heard tons of stories of people who got badly injured doing a certain exercise in the gym, and now you’re scared of going to the gym because you don’t want that to be you.
Don’t believe the stories. Yes, injuries can happen but chances are you’re not hearing the full story. No one is telling you that they used poor form on an exercise while using a way too heavy of a weight. You only hear about the pain.

This doesn’t have to be you. Under proper guidance, from me and your trainer, you’ll be sure to use proper form on your exercises and minimize the chances of you getting hurt.
And if you use a weight that you can handle, the risk of you getting injured gets even smaller, so don’t be scared of going to the gym because of that.
Reason 7 – You’re Scared of Going to the Wrong Gym
There are different types of gyms that exist. There are your standard commercial gyms, powerlifting gyms, bodybuilding gyms, boxing gyms, MMA gyms, crossfit gyms, rock-climbing gyms, etc. You name a type of physical activity and there’s probably a gym for that.

There’s no need to be confused with all of this information. Simply do your research on your nearby gyms and figure out which one is right for you based on the equipment they have, classes they offer, and the crowd that usually goes there to workout.
Figure out which is best for you. If you’re still confused, a regular commercial gym should have everything you need to start your fitness journey.
Reason 8 – You’re a Germophobe
Going to the gym and sharing equipment with other people can be scary. You don’t know what germs are lying on those sweaty machines. It’s gross just to think about it. You probably don’t even want to let your skin touch a single machine because of that.

However, that shouldn’t be a source of concern. Many gyms are meticulous with sanitation. It’s common etiquette for gym members to sanitize and wipe down the machines before and after they use them, so there won’t be much germs to be worried about.
If you’re still concerned you can just walk with a towel and drape it over the machine so you’re not in direct contact with it.
Overcome Gym Anxiety Before going to the Gym
Maybe now you finally understand what’s been holding you back from taking those first steps into the gym, and towards the body of your dreams. You shouldn’t have any reason to be scared anymore, but here are a couple things you can do to ease your fears before going to the gym.
1. Think About the Bigger Picture
Don’t let all of your fears of going to the gym get in the way of your fitness goals. Think about what’s more important. Take a moment to write down all of the things you want to accomplish when you go to the gym.

Maybe you want to lose some weight and be confident in your own skin. Or maybe you want to gain some muscle and get stronger. Think about how important achieving these goals are to you. Are you really going to let a bit of temporary discomfort get in the way of these goals?
Think about the bigger picture. If you overcome your fear of going to the gym today then you’ll be thanking yourself tomorrow.
2. Educate Yourself
A big reason you’re probably scared of going to the gym is that you’re not sure what to do there. You don’t know how to use any of the machines or any or how to do any of the exercises and you don’t want to look like an idiot and embarrass yourself there.
I get it. You’re new to exercise. I’ve been there before and it’s perfectly understandable to have this feeling. However, you don’t have to go there completely oblivious.

Take some time to do some research. There are tons of websites out there, like this one, that are willing to give you the advice you need. Familiarize yourself with the machines you’ll see in the gym. Look at videos on how to use them. Learn about different exercises.
You don’t have to take your first steps in the gym without any knowledge at all. You’ll still be a beginner, but you’ll have a head start on the rest and you probably won’t mess up and embarrass yourself. And if you do, That’s ok. It’s all part of the learning process.
3. Make a Workout Plan
It’s hard to get distracted and let your fears get the better of you if you have a plan of what you’re doing. Do your research and figure out the exercises you need to do in order to get to your fitness goals. If you’re still unsure there are tons of free workout plans on the internet.
When you have a plan in front of you you’ll be more focused on what you’re doing in the gym and be less likely do let your gym anxiety take control. It will also reassure you that you’re doing the right thing.
Find tons of workout plans right here!
4. Find the Right Gym
The gym you go to can either make or break your confidence when you’re there. There are tons of gyms that you can choose from so make sure that you research the crowd to expect there before picking one.

You probably won’t feel comfortable around a lot of big, sweaty meatheads who are screaming with every set, when you first step in the gym. Or maybe you will. Figure out which crowd you’ll fit into and feel the safest in so you won’t be scared when going to the gym.
5. Set Goals
What are your health and fitness goals? Be realistic. Do you want to lose weight? Do you want to gain some muscle? Maybe you just want to get healthier so you don’t get out of breath walking up and down the stairs.

Be serious about your goals. Write them down. Commit them to paper. Understand how important these goals are to you. Think about how life will be after you achieve these goals.
Once you value these goals it will be hard to let your fear of going to the gym get in the way of them.
6. Get a Friend to Go to the Gym with You
Going to the gym by yourself can be tough. Your anxiety will surely get the best of you. But think about all of the scary things you did when there was a friend with you to share the burden. This time let peer pressure work for you.

Get a friend to go to the gym with you. You’ll have a familiar face and someone to talk to to ease the tension. You’ll share the burden of figuring out all of the equipment and if you make a mistake you’ll both have something to laugh about.
You won’t be scared of going to the gym if you take a friend with you. Bonus points if your friend already goes to the gym, because they’ll be sure to help you out.
7. Make a Music Playlist

Create a playlist of your favorite songs that you can jam out to and hype you up for your workouts. Once you step foot in the gym it will distract you from all the things around you that are adding to your gym anxiety.
8. Go During Off Hours
Maybe it’s not the gym that’s the problem for you. Maybe it’s the people. You’re scared of being judged and you’re scared of embarrassing yourself. There’s an easy fix for that. Just go to the gym during off hours.
There tends to be a lot of crowds in the gym at early mornings or on evenings. But during the day, when everyone is busy at school or at work, the gym is basically empty. Make this empty gym your playground to explore and learn. You have no reason to be scared to be there.
9. Wear Confident Clothes
The clothes you wear can either make or break it for you when it comes to your gym anxiety. This can play a huge role if you have insecurities with how you look.

Make sure to wear clothes that you can feel comfortable and attractive in and you’ll be less likely to let those insecurities get the better of you once you’re at the gym.
10. Give it a Chance
What’s the worst that can happen if you go to the gym? You get scared. But think about what’s the best that can happen? You get fit, healthy and confident in your own skin.
There’s more good than bad that can happen if you just give it a chance. Once you get there you’ll realize that there was nothing to be scared of in the first place.
Stop Being Scared – How to Overcome Gym Anxiety?
So you’ve managed to overcome your gym phobia and make the first few steps into the gym. Congratulations, you’ve won most of the battle, but what next? What should you do when your gym anxiety comes rushing back once you’re there? How do you stop being scared at the gym?
1. Stick to the Plan
So you’ve done your homework and found a workout plan to try in the gym. That’s great. Being proactive can help you keep focused on your workout and keep your fears and insecurities from creeping to the front of your mind.

Stick to your workout plan and ignore the world around you. Remember that you’re a beginner so it’s okay to start small. There will be a time for the heavy weights in the future so don’t be discouraged if you have to use those small pink dumbbells today. You’ll get there one day.
2. Focus on Your Workout
Plug in your headphones, zone out from the world around you and put all of your focus into the workout you have to do. It’s what the top athletes in the world do, so why can’t you do it.

Keep all of your focus on the exercises you’re doing and ignore everything that is going on around you. You’ll be able to perform your exercises a lot better and reach your goals even faster in the process. Not to mention, you’ll stop being so scared at the gym.
3. Challenge Yourself
A fun way to build your confidence in the gym is to challenge yourself. It’s also the one way to get fitter and healthier. You need to progress by increasing the intensity of your workouts and you’ll get to your goals even quicker.

Challenge yourself by running faster or longer, or by using a heavier weight. You’ll be surprised to see what your body can do. Then, when you see how amazing your body really is, you’ll be less likely to let your fears and insecurities get the better of you at the gym.
4. Experiment
You’re new to the gym so everything will be a learning experience. The only way to learn and grow from a beginner to an expert is to put yourself out of your comfort zone. You need to be willing to experiment and explore in the gym in order to see what works best for you.
If you see a new machine and you’re curious about it, then feel free to test it out. It’s the only way you’ll learn how to use it and what it does. Maybe you’ll find a new exercise you enjoy. Maybe you’ll learn what machines to avoid.
In either case, you’ll learn from your mistakes, stop being an absolute beginner in the gym and conquer your gym phobia.
5. Have Fun
The gym isn’t a place to suffer. A lot of people actually enjoy their workouts. That can be you too. Experiment and figure out what kinds of exercises and workouts you enjoy the most.

Maybe it’s weightlifting, or maybe it’s a fun new class that the gym offers. Whether it’s powerlifting or zumba you should aim to have as much fun as possible. That way you’ll stop being scared of going to the gym and actually start looking forward to it.
6. Socialize a Bit
Carry a friend with you. Maybe strike up a conversation with someone there. It doesn’t have to be hard. By just being polite and saying good morning to the receptionist, or asking someone if they’re using a machine can make your stay at the gym much easier.

If all else fails you can ask the trainers or instructors for advice. Don’t be scared. These little interactions with familiar faces can stop making it so scary to be at the gym.
7. Accept Tips
You’re a beginner and you probably don’t know much about what you’re doing. That’s okay. Remember that you’re here to learn. However, you don’t have to fight the battle by yourself.
Feel free to accept tips from trainers or respectable people in the gym whenever it’s offered. This advice can keep you from getting injured, get you to your goals faster and, more importantly, keep you from embarrassing yourself at the gym.
8. Build Your Confidence
You’ll be amazed by what you’re able to accomplish when you start going to the gym. All of a sudden you start losing weight, your muscles get toned up and your clothes start fitting you a lot better.

When you look in the mirror it’s like you’re looking at a different person, and now you’re able to do things that you never thought were possible for you to do. Your fitness journey will build your confidence so you’ll never have to get gym anxiety or any other kind of anxiety again.
9. Achieve Your Goals
You’ve made it to the gym. That was your first hurdle and you got over it. Now the other hurdles to get over are those goals you wrote down.

Get out there, put in the hard work, lose that weight, build that muscle, become fitter and healthier and achieve all those goals that you set out to accomplish. You can do it!
10. Set New Goals
You’ve made it. You smashed all of your goals and now you got the body you thought you wanted from the beginning. Congratulations, your hard work paid off. Now you see that you’re capable of doing anything you put your mind to do.
You don’t need to stop improving. Reevaluate your goals and see where you want to work towards next. Set new goals and smash them too!
What to do if You’re still Scared of Going to the Gym?
Even after reading all of this advice maybe you’re still not ready to take those first steps and go to the gym. That’s okay. Everyone will get there at there own pace. If you’re still too scared to go to the gym that doesn’t have to stop you from getting to your health and fitness goals.
There are tons of things you can do to be healthy without stepping a single foot in the gym. You can try doing sports or any other outside activities.
You can even give home workouts a chance. Click the link to find out everything you need to do in order to get in the best shape of your life right in the comfort of your own home.
Cyr, Alex; Munroe-Chandler, Krista Ph.D.; Gammage, Kimberley Ph.D. MIGHT PLIGHT: THE SOCIAL ANXIETY FELT BY MEN IN THE WEIGHTLIFTING ENVIRONMENT, ACSM’s Health & Fitness Journal: 3/4 2019 – Volume 23 – Issue 2 – p 14-18 doi: 10.1249/FIT.0000000000000466
Frederick CM, Morrison CS. Social Physique Anxiety: Personality Constructs, Motivations, Exercise Attitudes, and Behaviors. Perceptual and Motor Skills. 1996;82(3):963-972. doi:10.2466/pms.1996.82.3.963