woman trying to lose weight

Best Meal Plan for Women’s Weight Loss

Women’s weight loss can be tough, especially when you have to fight an uphill battle with your hormones that no one else gets. It’s even more frustrating because all of the workouts, diets and supplements seem to always be geared towards men and there’s hardly any information out there that you can use.

It’s even tougher to find a diet that actually helps you lose weight. You’ve probably tried every single diet out there but the pounds just don’t seem to go anywhere. I can understand your frustration, so I’ve made weight loss easy for you. Here’s the best meal plan for women’s weight loss.

Why is Weight Loss Hard for Women?

It can be frustrating to put in a lot of effort to lose weight and not get as much results as your significant other. It can seem like all men have to do is breathe and they will lose 20 pounds, while all you’re putting in hard work dieting and exercising and have nothing to show for it.

This is because women’s and men’s bodies function in slightly different ways. This is mainly due to the effect of their varying hormone levels. The usual culprits are the sex hormones, testosterone and estrogen, which both play a role in women’s weight loss.

Estrogen is the female sex hormone. It plays several roles in the way the body functions, especially promoting the storage of fat. The presence of higher levels of estrogen are why women generally have a higher bodyfat percentage than men and store fat in different places.

Additionally, due to the fluctuations of these hormones during the regular menstrual cycle, females can experience cravings which can throw them off their weight loss diet.

woman pinching belly fat considering weight loss

Testosterone is the male sex hormone. However, it is present in females in very small quantities. Testosterone promotes protein synthesis, muscle development and increases the basal metabolic rate.

This means that higher testosterone levels cause you to burn more calories and lose more weight. Additionally, testosterone increases the number of red blood cells, which improves oxygen transport and, as a result, workout performance, leading to even more weight loss.

The problem for women is that their testosterone levels are much lower than that of men, around 10%. This, combined with the influence of estrogen, makes women’s weight loss attempts almost twice as hard as men’s.

These overall differences cause women to have a generally easier time putting on weight and a more difficult time losing it. However, just because it’s difficult doesn’t mean it’s impossible. With the right meal plan, women’s weight loss can be easy.

Check out ‘Fat Loss Made Simple’ and ‘Why You’re Not Losing Weight in a Calorie Deficit’ for more tips.

What is the Best Weight Loss Meal Plan for Women?

There isn’t any best meal plan designed specifically with women’s weight loss in mind. In fact, there isn’t even one for men for that matter. All of our bodies are unique and likewise, have unique needs.

two women of different body types and sizes

Therefore, the key is to figure out the best meal plan for you, as an individual with a unique body, to lose weight. It doesn’t have to be complicated. I’ll show you how.

What Makes a Weight Loss Diet Successful?

Women’s weight loss is hard, so you need to find a diet that works. The most successful meal plans all have something in common. They are:

  • Easy
  • Nutritious
  • Effective
  • Sustainable

All of these elements combined will always result in weight loss. However, these elements will vary from person to person and it’s important to figure out where you fit in.

The Best Meal Plan is Easy

It’s self explanatory why a difficult meal plan won’t work. It simply takes too much mental energy to stick to the diet long enough for weight loss to occur when you don’t even want to eat the food on your plate. Your diet doesn’t have to be tasteless for you to lose weight.

woman holding 2 donuts in her hands

Women’s weight loss doesn’t have to be hard, so don’t make it harder for yourself by going on crash diets. Your weight loss meal plan should contain foods that you actually enjoy eating. That way you’ll be motivated to stick to your diet and get the results you want.

The Best Meal Plan is Nutritious

A lot of the diets out are effective at losing weight but they put you in such a large calorie deficit that you don’t have any energy to function during the day.

Additionally, they lack the vital nutrients, vitamins and minerals that your body needs to survive. You won’t last long eating chicken breast and broccoli everyday. Eventually your body will cry out for the nutrients it’s missing, and that’s when the cravings set in and you eat an entire pizza.

healthy weight loss meal plan

The right women’s weight loss meal plan should have foods that provide your body with the nutrients it needs to survive.

The Best Meal Plan is Effective

A lot of diets promise fat loss while you’re able to eat a lot of foods that you enjoy, but they all fall short of one important principle. That is, in order to lose weight you must be in a calorie deficit. Without a calorie deficit your body will not have the stimulus to shed those pounds.

The Best Meal Plan is Sustainable

You’ve heard already that consistency is key, and with respect to weight loss it’s the harsh reality. It takes time, especially if you’re doing it in a healthy way as you should be.

woman in kitchen making weight loss meal plan

Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither will your dream body. It all takes time. You’ll need to be able to stick to your weight loss diet for a long period of time, and if it doesn’t contain food you like or the diet is too hard then it won’t work out in the long term.

It’s better to make small changes to your diet that you can sustain than try to make big changes and end up spinning your wheels and never lose weight.

How to Create the Best Weight Loss Meal Plan for You?

The best meal plan for a woman to lose weight is easy, effective, nutritious and sustainable, but how do you apply that to create a diet that works for you? Here are the basics to get you on the right track to shedding those pounds and getting the dream body that you deserve.

Calories In / Calories Out

You’ve probably heard this before but it’s still true nonetheless. In order to lose weight you need to be in a calorie deficit.

In simple terms, calories are the energy we get from food. Our body uses this energy in order to function on a daily basis. However, if there is any extra energy left over our body will store it in the form of fat to be used later.

woman checking weight loss by measuring her waist

Therefore, if we consume less calories than we are burning then our body will have to burn its fat stores for energy. Therefore, a calorie deficit is necessary to lose weight.

How Much Calories for Women to Lose Weight?

Everyone’s caloric needs vary based on several things. However, women typically require less calories than men in order to function on a daily basis because of their different hormone levels and body structures. This is important to consider when calculating your daily calorie needs.

Typically you need to burn around 3500 calories in order to lose 1lb of fat. This equates to creating a calorie deficit of 500 calories every day in order to lose 1lb every week.

You may be tempted to create as big of a calorie deficit as possible however this will not be easy, nutritious, sustainable or effective in the long term.

woman doing stretches for weight loss

Your body can only burn fat so quickly. Large calorie deficits and crash diets will force your body to lose precious muscle in order to get energy to survive, and that isn’t healthy weight loss. Not to mention you’ll be suffering all the way.

Therefore, aim for a smaller calorie deficit and appreciate a slower rate of weight loss. Losing 1 or 2 pounds per week will add up in the long term and you’ll be much happier doing so.

You can use this simple calorie calculator in order to estimate your calorie needs in order to shed those pounds.

It’s important to not that this is just an estimated value and the actual value may vary based on your body’s own unique needs. To get a more accurate calorie requirement and lose weight more effectively make sure to read How to Calculate your Calorie Deficit for Weight Loss.

If you’re still running into problems read Why am I Not Losing Weight in a Calorie Deficit.

How Macros are Important for Women’s Weight Loss?

Macros or macronutrients are the major components of food that your body uses for energy. These are carbohydrates, proteins and fats and all of the food you consume contains these in some proportion.

Of course you’ll lose weight as long as your meal plan has you in a calorie deficit, but the macronutrient components of your food can help make your weight loss diet more effective, easier and more sustainable, and compensate for some hormonal imbalances.

Carbs for Weight Loss

Carbs or carbohydrates are your body’s preferred source of energy. They are digested into simple sugars and absorbed to be used by your body.

The typical diet usually contains a higher amount of carbohydrates than other macronutrients. This can function effectively in your weight loss meal plan if you prefer foods which are higher in carbs.

bowl of rice next to a bowl of oats

However, if you prefer foods higher in fats it is best to keep your carb levels lower when you’re cutting calories.

It is also important to consider your tolerance for carbohydrates as a lot of women suffer from insulin resistance, due to hormonal imbalances such as PCOS.

This causes carbs to be shuttled more preferentially to fat cells, and that is not something you want to happen when you’re trying to lose weight.

This can be a bigger problem in females because of the reduced muscle mass and the effects of estrogen and other hormones on adipose tissue. Therefore, a good approach to a women’s weight loss meal plan should be a moderate or even low approach to carbs.

This can make up anywhere from 15-40% of your calorie intake. It all depends on your personal food preferences and your own unique body.

Protein for Weight Loss

Protein is the most important macronutrient when it comes to weight loss, so it should be prioritized in your meal plan. This is for several reasons.

It takes a while to digest so it will keep you full for a longer period of time and keep the cravings away, keeping you on the right track towards losing weight.

It even costs your body a bit of energy to be able to digest protein sources due to the thermic effect of food. This can help contribute to your calorie deficit.

3 eggs on a crate

Most importantly, protein spares muscle loss. Muscle is a highly metabolic tissue and the more muscle you have the more calories you’ll be burning on a daily basis. This translates into more weight being lost.

Therefore, protein should be a staple in your diet, especially because women have lower levels of testosterone to maintain muscle mass. I recommend for women to get at least 30% of their calories from protein in their weight loss meal plan.

Fats for Weight Loss

It might be tempting to cut fats from your weight loss meal plan in order to lose fat, but you would be making a mistake. Fats are essential for a lot of vitamin absorption as well as hormone production in your body.

olive oil being poured into a bowl next to olives

If your meal plan is too low in fats it wouldn’t be healthy or sustainable. You would also risk hormonal changes that can prevent you from losing weight.

Therefore, it’s best to take a low to moderate approach to fat consumption depending on what foods you prefer more. As a woman, you should aim to get at least 20% of daily calories from healthy fat sources in your weight loss meal.

Food Choices during your Weight Loss Meal Plan

Once you’ve gotten your calories and your macros down you then have to decide what foods you’re going to eat. The food choices that you choose should be lower in calories and keep you full for longer.

These are usually unprocessed foods. These foods are harder to digest, keeping you full for longer to keep your cravings at bay and also contribute to the thermic effect of food to burn more calories.

healthy weight loss meal plan for women

However, make sure to choose foods that are delicious and that you actually enjoy eating so that your diet won’t have to be another obstacle stopping you from dropping those pounds.

For carbohydrates, I recommend keeping away from foods high in sugar and fill up on foods high in fiber and complex carbohydrates. These include:

  • Whole Grains
  • Brown Rice
  • Oats
  • Pasta
  • Beans
  • Sweet Potatoes
  • Complex Starchy Carbohydrates

For proteins, I recommend leaner cuts of meat which are lower in fats. These will keep you sustained without all the added calories from the extra fat. These include:

  • Poultry
  • Fish
  • Beef
  • Pork
  • Eggs
  • Beans

For fats, I recommend consuming foods rich in healthy unsaturated fats because they are the healthier choice. These include:

  • Nuts
  • Fatty fish
  • Avocados
  • Olive Oil
  • Coconut Oil
  • Eggs

Are Supplements Necessary for Weight Loss?

The majority of nutrients from your weight loss meal plan should come from whole foods. So make sure your diet is in check before considering using supplements.

man drinking protein shake supplement

Although they aren’t necessary, supplements such as protein shakes can be convenient to use especially for busy people who don’t have the time to eat a full meal.

Does Meal Timing Help?

How often you eat can have an effect on the amount of calories you burn and the amount of weight you lose. Eating smaller meals more frequently can help keep your cravings away. However, we’re all busy so it’s best to let your meals fit into your schedule.

Just don’t starve yourself. Eat often. If you’re hungry you’ll be more likely to go off diet and ruin your chances of weight loss.

The Best Weight Loss Meal Plans that work for Women

There are a lot of fad diets out there that promise you a lot more than they can deliver. The best women’s weight loss meal plan will always be your own personal meal plan.

However, if you don’t have the time to figure that out, here are some meal plans that work for women to lose weight. Keep in mind that you’ll still need to be in a calorie deficit to make that happen regardless of the diet.

1. The DASH Diet

DASH stands for Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension, and that is just what the DASH diet is. It is the diet recommended to hypertensive patients in order to control their blood pressure. However, it does have the much wanted side effect of causing weight loss.

female weight loss meal plan example

How to use The DASH Diet for Weight Loss?

The DASH diet is a balanced meal plan, rich in foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean meats. However, it limits the amount of salt, red meat, sugar and fat consumed.

In order to lose weight, I recommend sticking with this food selection while maintaining a slight calorie deficit.

The Benefits of The DASH Diet

In addition to weight loss, the DASH diet also reduces blood pressure, thus reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke.

2. The Mediterranean Diet

This diet gives you a taste of the classic diet of Italy and Greece. It’s the perfect diet plan to go on if you enjoy seafood.

How to use The Mediterranean Diet for Weight Loss?

The Mediterranean diet is rich in fruits and vegetables, nuts, seeds, legumes, tubers, whole grain, seafood and, of course, olive oil.

female weight loss meal plan with seafood and vegetables

It allows the moderate consumption of poultry and eggs. However, it limits the consumption of red meat, refined grains, sugar, trans fats and processed foods.

The Benefits of The Mediterranean Diet

In a caloric deficit this diet is sure to lead to weight loss. However, because of the food selection which emphasizes antioxidant rich, unprocessed foods, the Mediterranean diet is great for reducing inflammation and the risk of cardiovascular disease.

3. The Paleo Diet

This diet takes us back to our roots to channel the hunter gatherer in us all. It is based on the belief that most non-communicable diseases such as diabetes, hypertension and heart disease are linked to the traditional Western Diet.

How to use The Paleo Diet for Weight Loss?

The paleo diet makes you consume all the foods early man did. As a result, it cuts out the consumption of all processed foods such as refined grains and sugar. It even cuts out dairy, whole grains and legumes because hunter gatherers didn’t get the benefits of agriculture.

various nuts and seeds on spoons

This diet calls for the consumption of a lot of whole foods such as fruits, vegetables, lean meat, fish, nuts and seeds.

Benefits of The Paleo Diet

Despite limiting the consumption of a lot of highly nutritious foods such as dairy and whole grains, the paleo diet has been shown to reduce the risk of heart disease. On a calorie deficit you’ll be sure to notice weight loss as well.

4. Low Fat Diet

The basis of this diet is that fat has more than 2 times the amount of calories as carbohydrates and protein, on a gram per gram basis. In fact, low fat diets have been shown to be effective at creating a calorie deficit and causing weight loss in obese persons.

This diet typically has you consume around 10% of your daily calories in fat.

The Benefits of a Low Fat Diet

The low fat diet has been shown to be effective for stimulating short term weight loss in obese persons. It is also effective at reducing inflammation and the risk of cardiovascular disease.

The Disadvantages of a Low Fat Diet

Although it is effective at creating short term weight loss, it has been shown that this type of diet is less sustainable in the long term where a lower carb approach is more effective.

Additionally, fats are important nutrients in your diet and play a role in the absorption of fat soluble vitamins and in the synthesis of various hormones. Too low fat consumption is unhealthy especially for women with hormone imbalances.

5. Low Carb Diet

This diet cuts its calories from carbohydrates. A popular version of this diet is the ketogenic diet which cuts significantly more carbohydrates from the diet.

sliced steak on plate with asparagus and tomatoes

How to use a Low Carb Diet for Weight Loss?

This diet reduces the amount of carbs you are consuming to less than 20% of your daily calories. Depending on your daily macros, this may limit your consumption of whole grains as well.

It emphasizes the consumption of vegetables, protein sources and lots of healthy fats.

Benefits of a Low Carb Diet

A low carb diet is effective at causing weight loss as long as you are in a calorie deficit. However, it is also effective at reducing insulin resistance, a problem which impairs weight loss in many overweight individuals and women due to hormonal imbalances.

6. Plant Based Diet

The plant based diet is similar to a vegetarian diet. However, it includes moderate consumption of animal products to include sufficient protein and vitamins in the diet. This diet is rich in fruits, vegetables, legumes and grains.

avocado and spinach spread on slices of bread on a plate with chia seeds scattered on it

Benefits of a Plant Based Diet

The plant based diet can result in weight loss given a calorie deficit is present. It is also great at reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes.

Additionally, it is more sustainable for the environment to rely on plant based sources of nutrition.

7. Intermittent Fasting

The basis of intermittent fasting is that with reduced time to eat food you will eat less food and lose weight.

How to use Intermittent Fasting for Weight Loss?

The typical approach to intermittent fasting is the 16/8 approach, which includes 16 hours fasting and an 8 hour window to eat food. The fasting period includes sleep.

Another approach is the 5/2 approach, where you eat normally for 5 days of the week and for 2 days you eat 500-600 calories.

The Benefits of Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting is an effective weight loss meal plan for women as long as you are in a calorie deficit. It has also been shown to reduce insulin resistance, inflammation and have anti-aging effects.

Diet Tips to Lose More Weight on your Meal Plan

Here are some quick tips that you can use in order to get the most weight loss out of your meal plan.

1. Eat More Fruits and Vegetables

red and green sweet peppers next to oranges and bananas

Fruits and vegetables contain a lot of fiber and very little calories. They’ll keep you full for a long time without adding any inches to your waistline. Include a lot of them in your weight loss meal plan in order to keep those cravings away.

2. Drink More Water to Lose Weight

woman drinking water for weight loss

Water doesn’t contain any calories and is sure to fill you up and keep you from overeating. Additionally, when you’re hydrated your metabolism increases and you burn more calories. It also allows you to perform better during your workouts, so be sure to fill up on water.

3. Avoid Liquid Calories for Weight Loss

coca cola cans

Sodas and juices tend to have a lot of added sugar and calories in them, without any fiber. They will just increase the number of calories you’re consuming without keeping you full. It’s safe to avoid them when you’re trying to lose weight.

4. Avoid Alcohol

Alcohol contains tons of calories, especially in the form of added sugars. Additionally, alcohol impairs fat metabolism, and that’s not something you’ll want to do if you’re trying to lose weight.

beers on a wooden table

If you have to take a drink, it’s safer on your waistline to avoid those fancy cocktails with added sugar. Try your liquor neat or on the rocks. You’re sure to get a buzz going.

5. Eat More Protein

We’ve already discussed why protein is the most important macronutrient when it comes to losing weight, but it’s so important that I need to reemphasize it. It keeps you full, helps you burn more calories and preserves muscle. Eat more of it.

6. Avoid Crash Diets

Crash diets will do as their name suggest. You’ll crash and rebound into weight gain and that’s not something you want. Remember slow and steady wins the race.

7. Track Your Meals to Lose Weight

woman tracking weight loss meal plan in notebook

It’s important to track your meals in order to have an idea where your calories and macros are. It doesn’t have to be accurate but you’ll definitely get a ballpark figure. This can help you stay consistent, keep you accountable and help you regulate your weight loss.

Try a free tracking app like myfitnesspal.

8. Manage Your Stress to Lose Weight

woman holding head because she is stressed

Stress can get in the way of your plans to lose weight. Learn more by reading ‘How Stress Can Prevent Weight Loss?’.

Control your stress to avoid all of these negative effects stress is having on your body. Once the stress eating stops you’ll be more likely to stick to your weight loss meal plan.

How Exercise Fits in with Your Weight Loss Meal Plan?

In order to lose weight you need to be in a calorie deficit. You can get in a calorie deficit be reducing the number of calories you’re consuming. That’s what your women’s weight loss diet plan is all about.

You can also create a calorie deficit by increasing the amount of calories you’re burning. This is where exercise comes the play. Therefore you can use exercise in order to help you lose weight a bit faster.

This comes directly through its immediate calorie burning effects, as well as by building muscle and increasing your metabolism.

woman doing sit ups exercise

All of this extra calorie burning will allow you to eat more food when you’re dieting and therefore make your weight loss meal plan more bearable for the long term. You’ll be more likely to lose weight and keep it off because it will be easier to stick to your diet for as long as it takes.

Remember consistency is key on this journey. It won’t be easy to start but you’ll get there as long as you put in the work everyday. Keep it up! I’m rooting for you!


Nick Bellissimo, Tina Akhavan, Effect of Macronutrient Composition on Short-Term Food Intake and Weight Loss, Advances in Nutrition, Volume 6, Issue 3, May 2015, Pages 302S–308S

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